When our boy Lynn was four years old,
His Dad and I said, “Son,
We know that you love babies
And we’re going to soon have one.”
Lynn’s baby sis came on the scene
After a little while.
Lynn took one look at her and said,
With the biggest, happiest smile,
“She’s just the kind I wanted,”
As he patted her little head.
“She’s just the kind I wanted.”
That’s exactly what he said.
Lynn grew up to be successful;
He played ball and practiced law.
His physical appearance was
Almost without a flaw.
Then cancer ravaged his body,
With odds he couldn’t defy.
His family’s hearts were broken
As Lynn said his last good-bye.
The Lord looked down and all around,
And said “I need someone
To talk sports and play ball with me
When my busy day is done.”
“I need someone to make me laugh
And give me inspiration.
I need someone to steer the boat
When I go on vacation.”
Lynn said “I’m here for you, Lord,
But the big C did me in.”
The Lord said “Here with me
You’re absolutely perfect, Lynn.”
That’s how they got together
And became the best of friends.
Before too long, Lynn even learned
The way to make amends.
Lynn’s hearing what the Lord says
And his heart is filled with joy.
He tells about his memories
Of when he was a boy.
The Lord politely listens as
Lynn has a lot to say,
And, of course, the two of them find time
To play ball every day.
The other day Lynn tossed the ball,
And as the good Lord bunted,
He turned to Lynn and said, “You know,
You’re just the kind I wanted.”
Lois McKinney
April 2020